Saturday 30 April 2016

Step Brothers - Ben's Review

Step Brothers is another immature type of comedy film and another one of my favourites. You guessed right, that's Will Ferrell again. He always takes part in these kinds of films and it just tends to work.

It was released in 2008, and is about two grown men (Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly) who behave like children and are forced to live together as their originally divorced parents start a relationship with each other.

The childish antics from the two and classic acting by them is what sells it for me; it is another one of those films where the plot is only made for the sake of the few jokes thrown in along the way.
It scored some average reviews by critics, with a 6.9/10 from IMDb, and a 55% from Rotten Tomatoes.

I can see the criticism for the film due to its immature manner and lacking of depth, but once again the comedy was too rich for me at the time and I still view it with rose tinted glasses, so I would give it a solid 8/10.

Friday 29 April 2016

Zootopia With Liz

Hi everyone, I'm Liz and this blog is for all the people who enjoy the children's movies. Who doesn't enjoy these movies, they are always funny and very entertaining.

My movie today is Zooptopia, starring Jason Bateman, Ginnifer Goodwin. Zootopia just came out in the cinemas in March and I went to watch with my brother. The movie was very interesting and had a great plot.

Here is a quick trailer, to give you insight into the movie.

The critics are also happy with the film saying, "The last thing you'd expect from a new Disney animated marshmallow is balls. But, hot damn, Zootopia comes ready to party hard." (Rolling Stone).The critics gave the film overall 8.3/10 (IMDb).

The film has it all and I would give it a rating 9/10, as I was entertained, sad, scared, and laughing throughout the whole movie. My brother enjoyed it as well and therefore shows that everyone would enjoy this movie. It would be a perfect movie to watch as a family.

More to come from me soon.



Thursday 28 April 2016

Transformers: Age of Extinction Review - Alex

Hey I'm Alex and for today's daily blog post I will be reviewing the movie; Transformers: Age of Extinction, directed by Michael Bay. Transformers: Age of Extinction is the fourth instalment of the transformer saga and was released in late June 2014.

I watched this film in the Imax cinema shortly after it was released for the enhanced viewing experience and further enjoy the special effects, sounds effects, cgi and action. The Transformer films are centred around action as the plot of the movies' is mediocre and quite weak for this one especially. But I doubt anyone watches these films for the plot or story, but simply for the action and fight scenes that are undeniably the reason of this series' success.

However that being said this movie went for just too long in my opinion, it was roughly 3 hours (2 hours 45 minutes) of non stop action, excessive and inane dialogue and in general just a mess. Yet still making it as their 'least terrible' instalment of the series' in the eyes of some.

Things I liked about this movie; the antagonist 'Lockdown' was really the only thing in the movie I liked and I regard as their best villain to date and was a refreshing change from the recycled 'Megatron' who was still technically in the film but re-introduced as the changed character 'Galvatron.' Unfortunately it does not look like Lockdown will be making another appearance in the likely chance of a 5th Transformers film due to him being defeated by the overpowered character 'Optimus Prime.'

Transformers: Age of Extinction had too much senseless action and began introducing pointless characters past the 2 hour mark. I remember being relieved when the film did finally come to an end after excessive hours of explosions and robot dinosaurs. I am not the only one dissatisfied with this movie as it was smashed with 18% by Rotten Tomatoes and 32% by Metacritic. I give it 6/10 mostly for the half-decent antagonist (Lockdown) introduction that was the superior scene of the film.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Comedy Films With Ben - Anchorman

Hey there, Ben here, and I'm going to start us off with a review on on a great comedy movie and a favourite of mine, known by many; "Anchorman".

Anchorman is a fairly old movie, from back in 2004, but an absolute classic. Everyone knows of the character Ron Burgundy and his antics with the ol' Channel 4 crew.
For me personally, I find Will Ferrell a hysterical actor, and find this movie to be his best.

Here's a brief trailer for those of you who have never seen the film or want a refresher on what content it carries with it:

Obviously the humour is somewhat crude to some, however I, along with many others, find Will Ferrell's overreacting and one-liners to make me laugh every time.

Some critics have given the film a fairly average rating, such as 66% from Rotten Tomatoes and 63% from Metacritic, however they still point out many of the positives the film has.

In my eyes, the films humour is spot on and at a time was my favourite film, and as a result I would rate it a solid 90% or 9/10.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Our Team

Over the next few weeks, our team will be posting blogs of movies that we have watched recently giving our opinion of the movie, compared to critics review of the movie. There will be a variety of the movies reviewed and hopefully you will enjoy them too.

Here is out team:

Liz - Hi I'm Liz and excited to be sharing with you reviews of children movies. I just love watching them as they are always good and hilarious. Join me with the love of children movies.

Alex - Hello, I'm Alex,  I will be reviewing sci fi/action movies and attempt to criticise, rate and point out any flaws in the movie alike the popular youtube channel Cinemasins. -Update I will also be reviewing Comic related movies e.g. Marvel, DC films.

Ben - Hey I'm Ben, lets have a laugh at some good comedies ay lads. Whip out the popcorn and bring the boys round, let's have a good sesh!