Tuesday 10 May 2016

Batman v Superman (2016) Zac Snyder, DC Comics - Alex

Saw this one in the cinemas a couple weeks back, while It wasn't amazing I don't understand the harsh criticism it was slammed with, getting ratings of 27% from Rotten Tomatoes and 44% from Metacritic. However it received a decent 7.1/10 from IMDb which is the rating that matters. There was a lot of controversy over Ben Affleck as the new, rebooted Batman, personally I thought he pulled it off (better than Clooney's at least).

The title of the film I find misleading as there is roughly two minutes of action in the Batman v Superman feud before it is resolved after discovering their mum's share the same name (Martha). The rest of the film consists of the horribly casted Lex Luthor unleashing 'Doomsday' who is to be defeated by the freshly formed allies Batman and Superman. Then Snyder thought he'd throw Wonderwoman in there too just for the hell of it.

So Batman v Superman is basically a setup for the Justice League which is not going to be able to compete with the Marvel's 'Avengers' so give it up Snyder. Despite all that It's action scenes were superb especially the fight with the antagonist Doomsday (enjoyed seeing Superman being nuked) and I did actually like Ben Affleck's performance as Batman and for that I give it a 7/10.

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