Sunday 1 May 2016

Movie Review: Watchmen 2009, DC Comics - Alex

Watchmen is based on the comic series of 'the Watchmen' and has a much darker, sinister setting and theme compared to all other DC and Marvel films. The Watchmen are essentially a group of 'superheroes' just without superpowers excluding Dr. Manhattan who is an omnipotent being and arguably one of DC's strongest characters making Superman seem like a child in comparison. However the rest being without supernatural abilities does not take anything away from them as they are all extremely dangerous, powerful and intelligent individuals with feats such as catching a bullet.

Rorschach being my favourite character in the movie and of all vigilantes and anti-heroes is a troubled individual who despises society, "Beneath me, this awful city... The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'save us!' and I'll look down and whisper 'no.'" Rorschach is no ordinary vigilante that goes out to stop criminals and bring them to justice, no he straight up murders them, a very graphic scene from the film showed him butchering a rapist/murderer to a bloody pulp with a cleaver. Rorschach not surprisingly doesn't get a happy ending as he is consumed of the mind by the society's cruel nature and is literally imploded by Dr. Manhattan.

The film is set in 1985 in America and as for the rest of the Watchmen the have been in 'retirement' as President Nixon passed a legislation prohibiting 'superhero' activity after their actions in years previously. However that didn't stop Rorschach from fulfilling his 'duties' to the world. Another favourite character of mine was the 'Comedian' who was quite a sick unit as he'd raped a member of his own 'Watchmen' group, but despite that he got shit done, unfortunately we didn't see much of him as he was killed off early into the film.

Below is Comedian's last fight with Ozymandias, the World's smartest man and 2nd strongest Watchman. Despite having no superpowers you can see from this fight scene that they are far from your ordinary person.

As for ratings its scored an admirable 7.6/10 from IMDb but other rating sites such as Rotten Tomatoes whose ratings in my opinion don't mean a fucking thing as it is a community site in which any random joe can contribute to it gave 'Watchmen' 65%. I give it a 8/10 for the interesting and great characters, hopefully one day a solo movie for Rorschach will be made focusing on his earlier life and the formation of the Watchmen.


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