Tuesday 3 May 2016

Tropic Thunder - Ben

Here's another good one.
Tropic Thunder is a great example of a film that takes the piss of things. The whole point of it is to show how ridiculous some movies can be, and even pokes fun at the stereotypes of actors these days(drug addiction, over-acting, going to extreme measures just to play their role in a film).

It was made in 2008 and the main four protagonists are played by Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black and less well known Brandon T. Jackson. The plot is about four actors playing the part of what was originally a generic Vietnam war action movie, before the director is convinced to make it more realistic and gritty by taking them to Vietnam itself and cutting out all the fancy special effects and pampering they were getting before. Things get ugly and it becomes more real than they thought it would, where they get discovered by local militia.

The interaction between the characters and over the top behaviour is what makes this film shine, as it shows how silly some films make themselves seem when they try too hard to be serious.

It received fairly good reviews; 83% from Rotten Tomatoes, 7/10 from IMDb and 71% from Metacritic. Personally I would give it a solid 8/10.

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